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Tips For Discovering Green Energy

Green energy has become a much more popular concept of late People who support green energy say it is much better than alternative sources of energy, while also helping to save the planet and cut down on your own energy costs. Is there truth in this? You can form your own opinion about green energy by reading the following tips.

Buying energy-efficient light bulbs is a great way to save money and use green energy in your home. These light bulbs take a couple minutes to use their maximum brightness. This delay allows less energy to be used when turning on the lights in your home, which is a great way to save energy!

Go green on your coffee break by bringing your own cup. If you usually order a Tall Latte at Starbucks, bring a tall re-usable coffee mug with you. Every time you ask your favorite coffee shop to mix your drink in your own cup, you are helping to green your environment.

Look into using recycled or rechargeable batteries for the items that require batteries. Disposable batteries cost a lot of money to produce and they also contain toxic chemicals which are bad for the environment. By switching to recycled or rechargeable batteries, you will be keeping these chemicals away from our environment.

In order to save energy at home, plug your electronics, including televisions and DVD players, into power strips and when you are not using them, turn off the power strips. Not only will you be preserving energy by doing this, but you will also be saving money on your electricity bill.

For green energy use in your home, you should change all your incandescent bulbs to the new energy efficient fluorescent bulbs. Not only will you save a bundle on your energy bill, but you will help conserve energy for future generations and reduce your own impact on the power grid in your city.

Switch to low flow or dual flush toilets. These particular toilets only use 1.28 gallons for liquid flushes. Families typically use 20-40% less water by using them instead of average toilets. On average, a family can save up to 2,000 gallons of water per year! This can provide significant savings to your water bill, every single month.

Buy a solar water heater for your home. Water heaters consume a massive amount of electricity every day, even when not in use. By purchasing a water heater that harnesses energy from the sun you will see an instant reduction in your power bill. Make certain that it is well insulated.

One way to help with reducing energy is by using solar panels in your home. Solar energy harnesses the power from the sun which is then used to provide energy to things like getting hot water, drying clothes and keeping your home warm during the winter. Solar energy is also pollution free and helps to lower the carbon footprint along with other greenhouse gases and terrible emissions.

If you want to save energy and be more green, think about buying a folding metal drying rack for your laundry room. Many items that we throw in the clothes dryer are bulky and take a lot of energy to dry, so if you throw them on a rack to dry, they dry for free and save you some cash.

Replace regular light bulb with Energy Star qualified bulbs. These bulbs last about ten times as long as a traditional incandescent bulb, and use approximately 75 percent less energy, saving you about $30 in energy costs during the lifetime of the bulb. They also emit about 75 percent less heat, and are therefore much safer.

If you have a garden you need to water, but you want to save energy, stay away from a hose and use a watering can instead. Hoses use up a lot of energy and will increase your water bill. Even though it may take longer to use this method, it is worth it.

Try air drying both your dishes and your laundry to cut back on energy used for drying cycles. With the dishes, you need only set your dishwasher to a clean cycle then move the load to your sink-side strainer when it is done. Drying your laundry in the sun not only reduces energy used via your drier, it also results in fresher, less wrinkled clothes.

If you are planning to make your home a greener one, consider adding solar panels to your roof. While solar panels require a significant up-front investment, the cost savings you will enjoy over the course of several years can more than pay for it. After the panels are installed, solar energy is pretty much free. You may even be able to sell some of this energy to your local electric company.

When buying wood, think about buying bamboo. Bamboo, which is actually a grass, is very energy-efficient. It is also quite strong compared to woods commonly used to build furniture. It is a fast grower, and can be made into many different products like cutting boards to flooring, which you can purchase. The products are more affordable due to a reduction in the cost of manufacturing products.

Use light bulbs that are energy-efficient. Conventional light bulbs use entirely too much energy and create a lot of heat. Energy-efficient bulbs last much longer and don't give off that much heat. They can sometimes give off dimmer light, so make sure to use as many as you need in your rooms so you have comparable amounts of light.

If you are fortunate and have a natural source of running water on your property, then hydropower might be for you. Hydropower involves diverting a portion of the water through a turbine or a wheel in order to provide your home with power. Once you have the equipment, the power will be free and much cleaner than traditional electricity, gas, or oil.

Contact your local utility company to see if purchasing energy from renewable sources is an option for you. Buying green energy directly from a power company is one of the easiest ways to go green with your energy use, without having to invest in any major alterations to your home.

Air leaks from under the door, especially during winter, can really make energy costs rise. Try installing a simple door sweep to seal that gap between the bottom of the door and its threshold to keep cold air from entering and warm air from leaving. This can make your home more comfortable and help you save on energy costs.

Not so hard, is it? Using the knowledge you've gained from this article will ensure that you are able to, easily and quickly, change your home so that it is using green energy solutions in the most efficient way possible. You'll be helping the environment and your budget, at the same time!